Sep 24, 2009

Ewwww... TMI!

One thing you should know about me is that I'm addicted to celebrity gossip. Perez Hilton is just about my favorite site ever, and my brain holds more useless celebrity trivia that I care to admit. Oops, I guess I just did.

Anyway, have you been keeping up with the whole Jon and Kate Gosselin drama? If so, Jon's pretty much proved himself to be the biggest d-bag ever. I feel so sorry for those kids when they get older and start realizing what's going on.

To get to my point, PH (Perez Hilton) just posted this juicy (and gross!) tidbit about Jon. Now I don't believe everything I read about at PH, but c'mon- I wouldn't put it past him.

So that's the gross part. On a brighter note, let me leave you with some delicious eye-candy. My only celeb crush. You're welcome :)

                                                          Courtesy of




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♥ jmo said...

Great choice of celeb crush ;)

Easily the sexiest man alive.

Steph said...

Same crush :) He keeps getting hotter and hotter with time.