Sep 30, 2009


I'm sorry I haven't posted lately, and I promise to give a full recap of Oktoberfest, but I've been sick in bed since Sunday. And until we move into our absolutely gorgeous and fantastic (I may be a little biased) house this weekend, we're staying at one of J's coworker's houses with no (gasp!) internet. So I'm typing this at a library, which is just not a lot of fun.

By the way, here's a little random German fact of the day for you. In the bigger cities and towns it's not such a problem, but if you choose to live in a small village there's a strong chance you won't have high-speed internet. Over here, unlike in the States, there are only a certain number of slots for DSL in each town. So, if you fall in love with a quaint little house in the countryside and all the slots are full, you're stuck with dial-up forever. For us, internet was muy importante, and we made sure our house had a slot.

Anyway, I need to scoot, but I'll be back this weekend with pics of the house and Oktoberfest- fun!



Sep 24, 2009

Hurry Up Saturday

In just two short days, J and I will be boarding a bus to Munich and are headed here! While there, we will drink many liters of these.

Totally random fact of the day- I've heard Germans just love this song and that they sing it every ten minutes or so in the beer tents. Who woulda thunk they love cheesy 80's music totally rad 80's music?

Can't wait.

Prost (Cheers)!



Meet... Mi Familia

So before I get too ahead of myself, I wanted to introduce you to my family.

First, there's my sweet husband, J. He's a pilot in the Air Force, and he just loves his job. I so admire him for that- wouldn't it be my nice if everyone got to make money doing what they love the most?!

We first met right before I graduated high school, then we started dating in college at Texas State University our senior years and got married last December. I know it sounds corny and cliche, but nothing's better than being married to your best friend.

Then there are our two sweet kitties, Bridget and Baxter. Bridget's a little momma's girl and the cuddliest cat I've ever had. Baxter is a little more skittish, but incredibly soft when you get a cuddle in. They get along great with each other and add so much to our lives.

In case you were wondering, we have no plans for babies anytime soon. We're just having a blast being newlyweds and enjoying our time with each other.

So that's my family. Couldn't love 'em more if I tried!


Ewwww... TMI!

One thing you should know about me is that I'm addicted to celebrity gossip. Perez Hilton is just about my favorite site ever, and my brain holds more useless celebrity trivia that I care to admit. Oops, I guess I just did.

Anyway, have you been keeping up with the whole Jon and Kate Gosselin drama? If so, Jon's pretty much proved himself to be the biggest d-bag ever. I feel so sorry for those kids when they get older and start realizing what's going on.

To get to my point, PH (Perez Hilton) just posted this juicy (and gross!) tidbit about Jon. Now I don't believe everything I read about at PH, but c'mon- I wouldn't put it past him.

So that's the gross part. On a brighter note, let me leave you with some delicious eye-candy. My only celeb crush. You're welcome :)

                                                          Courtesy of



Sep 23, 2009

Welcome to My Blog!

So I've been reading other people's blogs for a while now but, being the procrastinator that I am, finally took the initiative to start my own.

A little about me... I'm a Texas girl but, no offense Texas, was ready to ramble on to a new part of the country and open my mind to new experiences. Well, I got my wish and more, because now my hubby J and I are living in Germany. We just arrived here a few weeks ago and just love it, but I wanted a way to keep in touch with all my friends back home. Also, I always seem to have something on my mind and wanted a place to be able to rant and rave to my heart's content. So... with that said... let the blogging begin!

